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Understanding the problem: stress

Most people will experience some degree of stress in their lives. There are many things that can cause stress, including money worries, work pressures, relationship issues, family problems, increased responsibilities and even worrying about not getting enough sleep – which can cause a perpetual cycle of insomnia.

Stress can have mental and physical effects and can cause changes in a person’s behaviour. Signs of stress include:

  • Physical: muscle tension, headache, stomach problems, chest pain
  • Mental: worrying, forgetfulness, anxiety, feeling overwhelmed
  • Changes in behaviour: feeling irritable, drinking or smoking more, a change in eating habits, sleeping too much or too little.

Many people resort to unhealthy habits such as drinking or smoking more when they are stressed. But not only is this bad for health in general, it can cause other issues, particularly when it comes to sleep.

Perpetual stress that affects sleep can lead to feelings of anxiety, depression and loneliness. It can even develop into more serious conditions, such as psychosis and paranoia.