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Infertility is the term used when a couple is having difficulty conceiving a baby despite having regular unprotected sex. According to the NHS, around one in seven couples have difficulty conceiving – that’s approximately 3.5 million people in the UK.

For every 100 couples trying to have a baby, 20 will conceive within one month, 70 within six months, 84 within a year and 95 within two years. However, for couples who have been unsuccessfully trying for more than three years, the likelihood of getting pregnant within the next 12 months is 25 per cent or less. 

Infertility can be caused by many different factors. In general, about a third of infertility cases can be linked to a problem with the woman and another third to problems with her male partner. In some cases, multiple factors may be to blame, or an exact cause may never be identified.

Did you know?

No cause can be identified in about one in four couples with infertility.

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