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Head lice can be difficult to spot just by looking in the hair, especially considering their size, colour and the fact that they move quickly. Plus, head lice don’t usually cause any symptoms. Some people complain of an itchy scalp, but itching only develops if the person is allergic to the lice and their droppings. An itchy scalp may be due to other conditions such as eczema, psoriasis or dandruff. 

Other possible symptoms of head lice include:

  • A crawling sensation on the scalp
  • A rash on the back of the neck
  • Pillows that appear dirtier than usual.

Nits can be easier to spot. They look like dandruff, but stick strongly to the hair and can’t be removed easily by brushing. However, the presence of nits only really shows that the person has had head lice at some point – it is not proof that they are currently infected.

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