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How do coughs present?

Coughing is a common symptom of many different illnesses. Your customers are likely to describe a cough by how and when they experience it, or its characteristics.


When and why does the cough happen?

Does it occur at night, after meals, or during exercise?


How does the cough sound or feel?

Phlegmy, irritating, chesty, tickly, hacking, wet, tight, loose or dry?

Coughs may progress from dry to chesty if the underlying illness progresses, or from acute to chronic if the cause is not satisfactorily treated or removed (e.g. smoking).

Managing a cough

It’s important to identify the underlying cause of a cough in order to manage it effectively. In situations where a cough could be caused by a more serious illness, you will need to refer customers for further assessment (see ‘When to refer’ below).

For acute coughs due to viral, self-limiting infections such as a cold, there are no treatments, and it will settle over time. However, you can recommend OTC medicines and simple remedies that will help relieve the symptoms.

In most cases a cough will clear up on its own in 3-4 weeks, and there is usually no need to see a GP.5 If symptom relief is required, Benylin – the UK's #1 selling cough brand* – offers a wide range of products that cater for various types of cough and different age groups.

*based on IRI Volume Sales Data w/e 15 June 2024

Using the WWHAM protocol is a good way to determine your approach to managing a cough.

Who is the medicine for?

Adult or child? Children frequently suffer from coughs as a result of viral infections, but many OTC cough medicines are only suitable for children over the age of 12 years. Make sure you check the age of children.

What are the symptoms?

Ask the customer what type of cough they have: is it a dry, tickly cough or a chesty, phlegmy cough? Are there any triggers that start them coughing?

How long have they had the cough?

This is an important question as the answer may indicate a more serious underlying condition. Anyone who has had a persistent cough for more than 3 weeks should be referred.8

What action has the customer taken?

Ask the customer what they have tried so far to relieve their cough. If it has not worked, a different approach may be needed.

What other medicines are they taking?

Asking this will tell you if they are taking other medication or indicate any underlying conditions that could be causing their cough.

When to refer…

Customers should be referred if they tell you:5

  • They’ve had a cough for more than 3 weeks

  • They have unexplained weight loss

  • They have a weakened immune system, for example because of chemotherapy or diabetes

  • The cough is affecting a young child or pregnant/ breastfeeding woman

Red flag symptoms…

that require an urgent GP appointment or referral to NHS 111 include:5

  • The cough is particularly severe – a hacking cough or they cannot stop coughing

  • They are coughing up blood

  • They are experiencing shortness of breath or breathing difficulties

  • They have chest pain with their cough

  • The side of their neck feels swollen and painful (swollen glands)

  • They feel very unwell and present with a fever