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Self-care advice

Reassuring customers and managing their expectations are vital in the prevention of antibiotic resistance. You are able to provide self-care advice for them to manage their sore throat symptoms at home, rather than seeing a GP. Research shows that 1 in 5 people expect a prescription for antibiotics from their doctor,2 so engaging the community in the importance of self-care can help support GPs.

NICE guidelines
recommend the following:7,8

  1. Explain that sore throats are self-limiting and should improve in a week without antibiotics
  2. Consider paracetamol for pain or fever, or ibuprofen if suitable
  3. Ensure adequate fluid intake
  4. Recommend medicated lozenges as there is some evidence that they can help reduce pain in adults

You can also explain about antibiotic
resistance and advise customers to:5

  • Avoid hot drinks as they can exacerbate pain
  • Eat cool or soft foods
  • Adults can gargle with warm, salty water
  • Avoid smoking or smoky areas
  • Try to rest