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module menu icon What is the WE100â„¢ initiative?

WE100™ is a global initiative launched by Merck Consumer Health to help society prepare for an era of people living 100 years, turning the spotlight on both quantity and quality of years lived. For countries like UK where life expectancy has been increasing, the focus is on helping older people stay healthy and remain more active members of society for longer.

The initiative has highlighted various risk factors for ill health among older people, particularly in the absence of family assistance, that need to be addressed to help support the older population:

  • Loneliness
  • Social isolation
  • Social exclusion
  • Poor diet
  • Low physical activity

If left unaddressed, these factors can have a massive impact not only on individuals, but also on wider society by increasing the burden on the NHS, e.g. through the development of long-term conditions and increased hospital stays. Recognising how you, as a community pharmacist, can help tackle these is essential to ensure the wellbeing of your older customers.

Reflection exercise:

Reflect on the daily interactions you have with older customers – do you consider the above risk factors during your conversations or when you are providing services such as Medicines Use Reviews? Is this something that you need to develop further?