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How EndWarts FREEZE and PEN work

  • EndWarts PEN
  • EndWarts Freeze

EndWarts PEN treats 8 out of 10 warts*

The unique solution in EndWarts PEN penetrates deeply into the wart
EndWarts solution effectively dries out the wart
At the end of the treatment, black spots often appear
The wart will dry out and shrink until it is eventually resolved

*Based on a study of 85% formic acid used to treat warts showing complete resolution over a 4-week period

EndWarts FREEZE has been shown to be almost 3x more effective at resolving a wart/verruca on first treatment compared to other cryotherapy devices available from the pharmacy.4

EndWarts FREEZE reaches the deepest layers of the wart
The wart is frozen to -80°C5 (the number 1 home freeze treatment)3
The wart is destroyed and slowly resolves

Where on the body can
you use EndWarts products?

  • Hands
  • Feet
  • Elbows
  • Knees
  • Face
  • Genital area
  • Chest