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RPS will apply to rejoin International Pharmaceutical Federation

RPS will apply to rejoin International Pharmaceutical Federation

The Royal Pharmaceutical Society will apply to rejoin the International Pharmaceutical Federation after a controversial break with the organisation this year.

RPS president Claire Anderson announced today that the decision had been taken at the RPS assembly November meeting, commenting: “I’m delighted that we have agreed to apply to re-join the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) at a time when they are set to re-focus their membership offer.”

The RPS gathered views on rejoining the organisation from members earlier this month after it was criticised in March for leaving the FIP without consulting members (the news was broken by former RPS president Sandra Gidley on Twitter).

Ms Anderson added: “A big thank you to everyone who shared their views with us on this subject. The overwhelming majority of you agreed that RPS should re-join FIP, which we propose to do in January 2023 subject to FIP’s agreement.” 

FIP chief executive Catherine Duggan said: “FIP is pleased to hear that the RPS wishes to rejoin.

“We’d like to thank all the RPS members who have made clear that they care about access to safe, effective, quality and affordable medicines, health technologies and pharmaceutical care services to all, and that united action — through FIP as the global leader of pharmacy — is the best way to achieve this essential vision.”

Ms Anderson said the assembly had also agreed to “enable individuals to choose to make a donation to Pharmacist Support at the point off joining or renewing membership”.

This was influenced by a popular motion at May’s annual general meeting calling on the RPS to donate £1 to the charity for each of its members.

“Our intention is to enable members to make their own choice rather than donating on their behalf,” said Ms Anderson.

She also said that in the interests of greater transparency, the RPS will record and publish more information from its assembly meetings.

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