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RPS: credit where it's due


RPS: credit where it's due

By Steve Churton

Readers of my previous opinion pieces in Pharmacy Magazine will know that over recent years I have been a critical friend of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS). 

I have repeatedly questioned its lack of ambition, some of its decisions which were seemingly designed to undermine its own credibility, and its lack of engagement with members. I have rather tiresomely advocated for it to fulfil its commitments made to members at the time of its establishment and transform into a formally constituted royal college.

Lack of ambition?

Such calls have until now been met with ambivalent responses questioning the value, complexity and cost of such a journey, whilst concurrently seeking to reassure members that the RPS is already the effective de facto royal college for the profession.

Clearly those sentiments did not “cut it” with members, as the leadership watched the continued exodus of those who questioned the relevance of the RPS in supporting them in the advancement of their professional careers, or its advocacy to raise awareness and recognition of the profession and its public value.

This unfortunate hesitancy of professional leadership has understandably presented opportunities for specialist professional groups to gain more recognition for the excellent support they provide to their members who work in well-defined areas of practice. Specialisms which might conventionally be supported through the dedicated faculties of a royal college.

This has unsurprisingly resulted in a fragmented plethora of non-confederated organisations, and a further weakening of the ability and credibility of the RPS to act across the entire breadth and depth of the profession.

Disillusioned members

So, the RPS has come under pressure from its own disillusioned members, the growth of new and more relevant organisations in the pharmacy ecosystem, and the understandable concerns of key stakeholders and decision makers who have questioned its reducing membership, and therefore the credibility of its representation. Even former presidents (one in particular!) have joined the call for seminal change.

This diminution of confidence in the RPS was a primary driver in the establishment of a commission by the UK's four chief pharmaceutical officers (CPhOs) to review the future leadership needs of the profession, and subsequently the establishment of the UK Professional Pharmacy Leadership Advisory Board  to advise the CPhO’s on the delivery of the commission’s recommendations.

Single issue manifesto

Meanwhile, in May of this year the RPS National Board elections were taking shape. I felt compelled to stand for election on the single issue manifesto of transforming the RPS into a royal college. I was extremely pleased to gather the support of sufficient members, and to be elected with a mandate to pursue this on their behalf.

Fast forward a few months to the monumental announcement that the RPS has now agreed to take the necessary steps to seek charitable status and to officially formalise as the new Royal College of Pharmacy. 

This is certainly the most significant decision it has taken since its establishment in 2010 and arguably since it was originally founded in 1841. It is a decision of courage and a sign of the confidence it has in itself and the profession, and one which deserves the fullest support from its members and others.

Absolutely right

It is absolutely the right decision, not just for the future of the RPS, but more importantly for every patient we serve, every pharmacist and every member of the wider pharmacy family. It is a decision underpinned by the very rigorous review of its constitution and governance announced some time ago, which had been the subject of detailed consideration and discussion well ahead of my arrival on the board.

What this means for pharmacy and those working in the profession will be the subject of much conversation and iteration over the coming months, before a special resolution vote by members early next year. It is vital that members, prospective members, specialist professional groups and other stakeholders are provided with ample opportunity to question, shape and understand the benefits and consequences of this far-reaching proposal.

It is only through collaborative engagement that everyone will be able to have their views listened to and valued, and that our new Royal College of Pharmacy will be co-created with a clear prospectus and with the structures, expertise and capacity to deliver on its commitments.

Profound and historic

Make no mistake, we are on the cusp of a profound and historic change in our professional leadership which will see pharmacy at last take its rightful place, standing firmly and proudly alongside other health and medical royal colleges. Bringing with it parity of esteem and a greater recognition of the value of our clinical expertise and our contribution to the health of the nation.

So, credit when it’s due. Well done the RPS – our prospective Royal College of Pharmacy. It has listened and stepped forward with a sound proposal. It will continue to listen and learn, and it now deserves our enthusiastic support in shaping and delivering this exciting future for the leadership of our profession.

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