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Elen Jones appointed director for RPS in Wales

Elen Jones appointed director for RPS in Wales

Elen Jones has been appointed the new Royal Pharmaceutical Society director for Wales. Ms Jones, who has worked closely with staff and the Welsh pharmacy board for the past five years in her role as RPS policy and practice lead, will be accountable for national policy development, professional advocacy and member engagement across Wales. She will take up the post in January 2020.

Ms Jones said: “I’m looking forward to working with our passionate and driven team to deliver even more for our vibrant and engaged membership.

“The positive context in Wales, with the upcoming publication of the new vision for pharmacy and the recent announcement of new funding for pharmacy training, gives us lots to build on.”

RPS director of pharmacy and member experience Robbie Turner said Ms Jones “already has extensive networks throughout Wales with pharmacists, other healthcare organisations, patient groups and the Welsh Government.”

RPS Wales pharmacy board chair Suzanne Scott-Thomas said Ms Jones was “keen to further explore the seamless pharmaceutical care model working across traditional boundaries and with members of the multidisciplinary team”.

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