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Contractors get £10.08 per flu vaccination in 2020-21

Contractors get £10.08 per flu vaccination in 2020-21

The PSNC has agreed a combined fee per flu vaccination of £10.08 with the government to deliver England's community pharmacy influenza service for 2020-21.

Talks between pharmacy negotiator, NHS England and the Department of Health and Social Care saw the vaccine fee remain at £9.58 but this was topped up by 50p per vaccination through the transition fund, taking it to £10.08.

The PSNC also says that up to £1 million of margin can be retained for flu vaccines administered over the number carried out during a normal year on top of the £800 million medicines margin under the community pharmacy contractual framework.

The PSNC has agreed additional funding for venue hire and cold storage costs for vaccinations conducted outside of pharmacy premises. Contractors can claim as much as £200 for the hire of a venue and a one-off payment of £200 for cold storage equipment.

“A contractor can submit up to five claims for venue hire but in exceptional circumstances, NHSE&I regional teams may authorise more venue hire payments to meet local need, subject to the availability of funding,” PSNC says.

The fees and how to claim additional funding for venue hire apply from 1 September and will be included in Part VIC of the Drug Tariff from October.

Some contractors, however, took to Twitter to express their disquiet with the vaccination funding.

Kensington, Chelsea and Westminster LPC CEO Reka Shah tweeted: “@PSNCNews and @NHSEngland. What a shame this agreed funding has nothing for covering the backfill costs for the pharmacy team going offsite!! How is this going to be VIABLE? Where is the EQUITY? The expectation by CCGs4 #CPhcy 2 provide capacity via offsite is surely not to be met!”

Another pharmacist, Rachel Ainger, tweeted: “Lack of funding of additional staffing costs seems to be an issue for GPs and community pharmacy unfortunately. Short sighted.”

Superintendent pharmacist Lodo Lama tweeted: “GPs are getting £10.06 per dose. Are we expected to provide an inferior service? If we don’t value ourselves, why should others value us? Another missed opportunity!”


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