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DHSC alerts contractors to out-of-stock medicines

DHSC alerts contractors to out-of-stock medicines

The Department of Health and Social Care has said Dipyridamole 100mg tablets are out of stock until early December.

The DHSC said that while limited supplies of dipyridamole 25mg tablets and dipyridamole 50mg/5mL oral solution are available, these “cannot support an uplift in demand,” although dipyridamole 200mg modified release capsules are available “and can support a full uplift in demand".

Meanwhile, the DHSC also said the Capimune brand of ciclosporin 25mg, 50mg and 100mg capsules are out of stock until mid-December. The Deximune brand of ciclosporin 25mg, 50mg and 100mg capsules are available.

The DHSC reported alternative brands of ciclosporin capsules, including Neoral, Vanquoral, Capsorin and Sandimmun are available but "have limited or no ability to provide an uplift in demand".

The PSNC said patients "should be stabilised on a particular brand of oral ciclosporin because switching between formulations without close monitoring may lead to clinically important changes in ciclosporin level".

The PSNC added: “Switching between a branded and a generic formulation, or between generic formulations, should be carried out in consultation with the specialist team.

"If switching is necessary, the patient should be monitored closely for changes in ciclosporin level where clinically appropriate (specialist decision), serum creatinine, blood pressure, disease control/ transplant function, and adverse effects.”

The alerts were published on the PSNC website. The negotiator reminded contractors that the DHSC and NHS England have launched an online tool which gives them up-to-date information about the supply of medicines.

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