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Pharmacies told to update NHSBSA on Covid-19 risk assessments

Pharmacies told to update NHSBSA on Covid-19 risk assessments

Community pharmacies have been told to update NHS Business Services Authority on the progress they are making in ensuring all their staff undergo coronavirus risk assessments.

Just a couple weeks after NHS England and Improvement said pharmacies should carry out individual risk assessments for staff in at-risk groups within a month, such as black, Asian and minority ethic team members, responsibility for data collection has been passed to the NHSBSA.

The PSNC said there are two dates for data collection; 9am on July 9 to 11.59pm on July 17; and 9am on July 24 to 11.59pm on July 31.

“Contractors are asked to submit a declaration in each window, even if all staff assessments were completed during the first,” the PSNC said.

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