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If an individual meets the criteria

Individuals who meet the revalidation recording criteria will not normally be reviewed again for another two years and then may be selected randomly. There will be some cases where records are reviewed more often than this. These include late submission without a reason, a history of poor compliance to standards or where remedial action has previously been taken following review of the records.

If more information is required

Additional activities or information may be required on occasion. There are several reasons for this including:

  • The review criteria have not been met
  • Reapplication to the register following removal may be granted where additional learnings are met
  • Following a hearing, a direction from a fitness to practise committee is conditional on additional learning being conducted
  • Further verification is required about the information submitted relating to the learning undertaken and to the context of a registrant’s practice.



If the criteria are not met

In this situation, the remediation period commences and an individual can submit their records for a second time. Where the criteria are not met again, the steps outlined in the GPhC’s statutory rules will be followed and, in the worst case scenario, a special annotation on the register or even removal from the register could occur.