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Ending the consultation

Every consultation is different but the following questions may provide a useful framework

“Is there anything you’d like me to go over again or ask me?”

  • Asking this question gives the patient permission to ask for some key information to be repeated
  • The patient may not have any questions at this point, but suggest they make a note of any that occur in the future and pop back in to ask them.

General points

  • Ask about OTC medicines – in particular oral NSAIDs, which are contraindicated
  • Ask about herbal remedies in case of interactions with medicines for heart failure or other common co-morbidities (e.g. St John’s Wort, ginkgo, glucosamine and chondroitin, turmeric) or possible adverse effects on the heart (e.g. hawthorn, blue cohosh) 
  • Vaccination for influenza (annually), Covid boosters (in line with national guidance) and pneumococcal vaccine (once) are all recommended
  • Fluid intake does not need to be restricted but where congestion is an issue, sensible fluid intake (2-2½ litres/day) is advised. In hot weather this amount may need to be increased


Useful resources patients can be signposted to include: 

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