A teenager’s perspective
The Royal College of Psychiatrists’ website features the story of Sarah. It provides some insight into a teenager’s experience of depression:
“I was 15. They took me to see the doctor because they thought I was a bit down and had started cutting… It was only when I started to talk more that I realised how much I had changed. I used to be happy, not all the time, but I couldn’t now – not like I used to. I was falling out with my teachers… I was trying but I just couldn’t get on with my work. The doctor said it could be my concentration – I hadn’t thought of that, I just thought I was thick…
“I couldn’t sleep properly and didn’t feel like going out to play football anymore. I said it was boring, but as I started to feel better, I did play again, and I think saying it was boring was all part of my depression.
“That was the same with my family. You don’t get on all the time and they are still a pain sometimes now, but when I was depressed it was like we were always arguing... It wasn’t until they talked to me and things started to change that I realised how depressed I was.”