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Introduction and module overview

It is important to make the most of time-limited consultations with patients who are starting a new treatment in order to ensure they get the most benefit from their medicine(s). 

People vary in their attitudes to medicines, and these attitudes may change over time and with additional information. It is therefore important to identify what benefits a patient may be expecting from a new medicine or any concerns they may have in order to improve adherence.

The Five E's


Engage the patient in conversation (and confirm that they have time to talk).


Explore what the patient wants to know and follow their agenda (by information gathering, listening, mirroring, paraphrasing).


Educate the patient on what they want to know (summarising, using teach-back).



Empower the patient to make a choice (shared decision-making and person-centred care; explain about benefits and side-effects).


Enable behavioural change so patients achieve their aims (supporting adherence); then summarise and close the consultation.

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