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Survey reveals drinking, smoking and obesity rates in England

Survey reveals drinking, smoking and obesity rates in England

Nearly half of adults in England drank alcohol at least once a week last year while 26 per cent were obese, according to official figures. 

The Health Survey for England, published by NHS Digital, revealed 12 per cent of the 5,880 adults who were surveyed were cigarette smokers in 2021 while more men than women said they smoked. Two-thirds of adults reported never regularly smoking and five per cent of all adults were e-cigarette users. 

Sixteen per cent of smokers also vaped and 13 per cent of former smokers used e-cigarettes.

Seventy-nine per cent of respondents said they had drunk alcohol in the last year, with more men than women drinking. Men were also more likely than women to drink at high-risk levels, with 28 per cent and 15 per cent respectively drinking more than 14 units each week.

Obesity rates increased with age, going from eight per cent of 16 to 24-year-olds to 32 per cent of 65 to 74-year-olds. The lowest prevalence of obesity amongst adults was found in the least deprived areas while the most deprived parts of the country had the highest rates.

Eleven per cent of obese adults said they had been diagnosed with diabetes by a doctor compared with five per cent and three per cent of overweight adults and those who were neither overweight nor obese respectively. More men than women were either overweight or obese.

The survey was carried out by the National Centre for Social Research alongside University College London.

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