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Self-management: practical advice for specific issues

It is impossible to predict how long full recovery will take and NICE states that self-management will be the mainstay of recovery from many of the symptoms of long Covid. 

Experience of post-viral effects from other viruses suggests that many symptoms should go within three months, but that tiredness may last longer (beyond six months). Some long Covid patients are now known to still experience fatigue after 12 months. 

Much of the advice on rehabilitation and recovery, both physical and mental, involves slow or graduated steps to increase activity. Pharmacy teams can provide support and encouragement in this process. Fatigue and breathlessness may preclude what were previously normal everyday tasks such as carrying shopping bags and gardening. Not overdoing things and a gradual self-paced progression are key. 

Accepting temporary limitations on physical activities is important as attempts to do too much too soon may exacerbate symptoms and create feelings of helplessness. Building in time for relaxation is important and specialist resources can help patients learn or relearn how to relax.